Sven Co-op is a co-operative game originally based around Valve Software’s Half-Life.
In this game players must work together against computer controlled enemies and solve puzzles as a team.
Install the game
mapcycle.txt (voteable maps updated Wednesday Feb 28, 2024)
ChatSounds numbers reference
RULES: This is a Grown Ups Game Server. If it is discovered you are Underage you will be REMOVED. Applies to Discord too.
Client Commands:
Type ‘.m’ in CONSOLE to list the following commands:
Type ‘/buy’ in CHAT to buy weapons
Type ‘rtv’ in CHAT to Rock The Vote/change the map
Type ‘votemenu’ in CONSOLE to change map etc
Type ‘.vc’ in CONSOLE to use Voice Commands.
Type ‘.listsounds’ in CONSOLE for ChatSounds. Type ‘.cspitch #’ in CONSOLE to change pitch.
Type ‘.listmodels’ in CONSOLE for a list of all players and their models.
Type ‘.e’ in CONSOLE for emotes
Type ‘!stuck’ or ‘!unstuck’ or ‘unstuck’ in CHAT if you’re stuck!!!!!
Type ‘endless?’ to check if map has no ending.
Teleport to player mod:
Type ‘/tp’ or ‘!tp’ for tp menu OR type ‘/tp playername’ or ‘!tp playername’
Type ‘trail menu’ in CHAT for trails or type ‘trail color’
Type ‘glow menu’ in CHAT to glow or type ‘glow color’
Type ‘hat menu’ in CHAT for hats or type ‘hat name’
Type ‘pet menu’ in CHAT for pets or type ‘pet name’
Type .modelswap to change players laggy/annoying models. Use .hipoly for more info
Type .nightvision in CONSOLE 4 Nightvision
Type ‘thetime’ for the time and ‘timeleft’ for remaining time
AntiBlock plugin:
Press ‘e’/ your +USE key to switch places with a player.
Survival Mode works on most maps. There are no checkpoints though.
Slow downloads or messed up sounds fix:
Quit the game/end svencoop.exe process and join again.
Your .bsp differs from servers fix:
Delete map in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop_downloads\maps and try again
Report outdated server maps, connection problems, make suggestions etc in Comments belowC05v1D-I9 NEWSOTHER NEWS
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bye yellbox
Hello world.
can’t connect infinite downloading
i liked the previous side
For your radio plugin, are you using metamod, or the angelscript version?
can you make it vac secured? people abusing the non vaced thingy and they hacking and that is not fun becose some hacker had that he insta killed player with crowbar
heard it doesn’t matter with this game. maybe i’ll try anticheat plugin
Hello, I’ve seen players gettin VAC Banned mid game some time ago, speedhack etc, so I assume that VAC works in Sven Co-op.
It doesn’t matter, the client isn’t signed therefore VAC does nothing otherwise you would be banned for using metamod
Barney refuses to open the door on hl_c01_a1 please halp
not sure what causes this, happened twice
Hello king, its been a high request to add the anti-rush plugin as players now do rush the maps with other players doesn’t have the chance to even spawn, it’ll be amazing if you could add the old anti-rush plugin that twlz had or a new one that can do the work.
also if you can upload a model called “holo_irys_lowpoly” a small request c:
thank you and love u <3
this dude just wants anti rush to stall the game and erp uninterrupted also nobody asked for anti rush
this dude just wants to interrupt dude’s erp
let’s replicate twlz as good as we can: enable survival mode by default, increase the difficulty a little and enable anti rush
this only meant for the campaigns btw
twlz didn’t have anti rush
it did have anti rush enabled on all campaigns like half-life, opposing force etc
we talking about the 66% needed to progress, right?
now that I think about it: you’re right, twlz didn’t have anti rush
it was just more difficult and you only had one life (survival) and thus rushing was not a possibility
hi most maps can have survival mode enabled by vote… but there won’t be any checkpoints. theres a plugin to create them. not sure how many users prefer diff and survival.
Hi King
now that we have two servers: have you thought about turning one into a 24/7 campaign server (hl, of, bs, uplink)? It just needs to be configured right: checkpoints, anti-rush, survival by default, proper difficulty (hard but not too much), gauss gun knockback enabled, restore default revolver behavior, i.e. zooming (I believe it requires an angelscript), classic models, mp_votemaprequired -1, mp_votebanrequired -1, mp_votekickrequired -1, mp_votesurvivalmoderequired -1
donated you a little bit XMR for all the hard work 🙂
cool thanks for the donation i appreciate that
Guess i can make a third server like that.
sven_dust2 is broken, the button in the beginning that’s supposed to ask for how many rounds does nothing
ill try to fix that
hl campaigns etc survival difficulty server running too
maybe ill run a cs 1.6, ts, hl deathmatch, tfc or tf2 server too
why did you made 2 seperate servers if i may ask?
New one has better CPU etc
Just played a little on the new campaign server and it’s pretty good so far 🙂
few suggestions (how my perfect campaign server would look like):
– make dynamic_mapvote ( the default map, return to it after campaign completion
– return to dynamic_mapvote after server being empty for a certain amount of time (timelimit should do it?)
– enable gauss gun vertical knock back
– further reduce vote options, no need for rtv/nom/difficulty/survival/semi-survival. even kill is questionable if we had a timelimit on trollable maps like hl_c01_a2 & hl_c13_a4 we didn’t need it
– remove uplink intro if possible (have to press a button and it asks for survival mode or not)
– tone down the difficulty a little bit. I could only test solo difficulty though, so not sure how it feels in a group
+0.1 XMR 🙂
k think i implemented most of that now
disabled game votes on rtv plugin and made it 100 percent of players rtving for it to start a vote.. maybe ppl want to nom maps where they left off or server crashes or something
nice work 🙂
one thing I noticed: on dynamic_mapvote, decay should be replaced with they hunger
anti gays aka Hamood got banned why?
He didnt get SteamID banned nor did I IP Ban.. maybe GSDDDOSS script or anticheat thing did it. ill look into it
Edit: he’s in game on French server and I didn’t run the script on UK one. probably not banned there
ahh i see will you unban him please
The C4 suicide bombing shout is a lot louder than everything else, can the volume on it be reduced please?
near oasis
seriously there was no need to split into 4 server. Instead you could have made it a rust/cow only server and one based on half life stuff and rest one server for sven maps this split of server just made everyone scattered into different servers
4 servers are empty right now and everyone is in one server. There are more than 32 regulars and many more sven co-op players. I’m trying to phase out france servers so that would be 3 main servers left and one half-life one. 3 of them are usually always empty and I can do testing on those. Also some of the servers are VAC enabled because I think the default browser setting for new players is see VAC servers only
Admin could you edit cooldown for map vote for about 1-2 min when the map freshly changes, please? There are some people that are trying to change map via vote menu when the new map loads, some people are about to play the actual map. Its kind of annoying thing if you join the game and before hitting OK in motd tab you are about to see vote for map change.
thx have a nice day
im pip boy
Me too
half-life serber is stuck pls restart (can’t move)
Hey. Connecting the Insurgency Weapons server keeps slowing down my PC for some reason, precaching takes much longer and the game plays with 5-20 fps. Maybe has to do with these lines?;
Unexpected result compressing packet (41 -> 37 bytes) [-8]
Unexpected result compressing packet (37 -> 33 bytes) [-8]
Invalid file type…skipping download of Æ%Öß`9à
^ this looks odd too
deleted soundcache folder and maybe downloading weapons and installing/overwriting them in svencoop_downloads folder might work. not really sure how to fix this
That didn’t solve it but thanks anyway. Whatever the issue is, it takes GPU usage to 100% nonstop.
Hello admin. Could you add this sound effect, please?
Think I might have added all mising scientist lines now
voice HL_UsaidaPekora is normal siencist voice at least for me
Stuff like this might be fixed on next map change
Hey, got a few suggestions if I may;
– Getting rid of suicide bombing (satchel middle-click), it’s much more intrusive than fun
– Buying a point_checkpoint doesn’t seem to do anything
– Adding an infinite flashlight/nightvision battery as buyable (I don’t know if that’s possible)
– There’s also a scammer who keeps playing (STEAM_0:0:764029442), banning would be wise
dont get of rid of sucide bombing
buying chek point works in survival
other ones is okay
Rename server to Queen
Change King sound to Queen
Fix semi-survival/survival modes
Delete Cheatmods
Oh and remove VAC
Why even have an anti cheat enabled when it doesn’t actually do anything
dont lisen to raiden he is the guy who supported DDOS ban him
yeah im a nigga
Hi King
can you point me in the right direction on how to get the scope/zoom of 357/revolver back?
I can’t find anything about it online no matter how hard I look 🙁
my mod went with solution on how to fix TTS spam crash comand TTS voice pitch limited between 50 and 300 rather than 0 and 300 3 messages under 3 seconds will result in no TTS for the player for 5 minutes 2 long messages (over 32 characters) under 10 seconds will also result in no TTS for 5 minutes if the offence repeats after 5 minutes it will turn into 30 minutes, then 1 hour, then 12 hours
Im one of the two admins of twilightzone community and we would like to talk about server with owner of the king servers privately sometime vacant on discord. Theres people we want to ban changes we want implemented including TTS crash preventation and so on.
You can try forking it as I won’t try implementing anything myself. Would rather warn ppl not to abuse it. I’m not a fan of tts plugin writing tons of .mp3 files to an SSD of questionable health (Haven’t tried testing it)
Remi is constatntly abusing text to speech and crashing the server relay-server-1🎃 relay-server-ins-all🎃
Creeper abusing hook comand to kill people with it
Backing up the message about Creeper (MDKN) abusing hook to annoy and kill people.
Give admins access to toggle Rambo mode :3
Seems like Rambo + Insurgency weapons crashes server.. Regardless we shall look into making AFB admins into full admin.
Is there a way to list all maps?
There is a lack of admins on the server. I have multiple times met people who blocks doorways and who blaintly cheats.
If needed be, I would like to offer some of my own time covering some of the off hours where these people join and ruin the fun of the rest of the players