weighted random ambient playlist hotkey for foobar2000

this one is nasty:

global arr := ["ambient", "ambient2", "ambient3", "ambient4", "ambient5", "ambient6", "ambient7", "ambient8", "randambient2", "randambient2"]
Random, oVar, 1, arr.MaxIndex()	
rand := arr[oVar]
Run "D:\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" /runcmd=File/Scheduler/%rand%

foo_scheduler actions:

Set playback order to “Repeat (Playlist)”
Set active playlist “ambient”
Start playback from track #123456

Set playback order to “Random”
Set active playlist “ambient”
Start playback
1 seconds delay
Next track
1 seconds delay
Set playback order to “Repeat (Playlist)”

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